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Conditions of work with websites

The site must have an SSL certificate.

There must be symbols of the IPS VISA and MasterCard.

It should be clear what payment is accepted for, what is sold on the merchant's website.

The site must be functioning, filled with content and working internal links.

The must be publicly available and not ask for a login/password to enter.

If there is a personal account, test access must be provide. The personal accounts should be hosted on the same domain as the main site.

Goods/Services should not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine.

The site recommended to contain:

  • full company name;
  • legal and actual addresses;
  • phone and email address of the organization selling the goods or services;
  • customer support phone and email;
  • public offer agreement;
  • terms and conditions of return and exchange;
  • cookie policy;
  • privacy policy.

Goods / services should be described in details: the description should include the characteristics of the goods and services offered, their consumer properties and price.

Prices must be indicated in the national currency of Ukraine - hryvnia.

All pages that are related to the sale of goods or services on the website of the online store must be under a single domain name.

There must be Information about the payment procedure and delivery.

If any requirements will not be complied within 30 days from the date of signing the service contract, the payment provider may unilaterally disable payment acceptance.

The rules of the international payment systems VISA and MasterCard prohibit online trading:

  • Pornography
  • Tobacco products
  • Prescription Medicines
  • Goods that violate copyright and / or intellectual property