Ever since the beginning of the large-scale war, fake news has been flying like hot cakes. How to maintain your psychological state and learn to distinguish fakes from the truth?

UAPAY knows a few simple rules:
🔸 Pay attention to the headlines. Fake news has bright titles with exclamation marks.
🔹Check sources. You can trust the news more if it is published by several major media outlets at once.
🔸Watch out mistakes. Many fake sites make gross spelling and punctuation errors.
🔹Look carefully at photo and video content. Fake news contains fake photos and videos – out of date or taken in another city.
🔸Pay attention to the dates. Many fake news should not be published and write about events that have never happened.
🔹Check what the author is starting from.
If the sources of information are not specified – this is a sign of fake news.
Be critical of what you read and share only what you think is verified information.