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How do fraudsters deceive customers? UAPAY tells.

UAPAY, together with the National Bank of Ukraine, as part of the #ScamGoodbye information campaign, tells how to protect yourself from fraudsters on online trading platforms.

How do fraudsters deceive customers?
Fraudsters send correspondence to third-party messengers to discuss the details of the sale of the product. They then send a payment link that unfortunately leads to a fraudulent resource. When the buyer enters his data, these data become available to fraudsters, or funds are transferred to the fraudster’s card.

So how do you protect yourself?
🔹 Discuss the details of the deal exclusively in the chat of the trading platform or using its application.
🔸 Keep secret the three-digit number on the back of the card, the codes of banks and mobile operators, passwords for Internet banking.
🔹 Use a virtual card for online shopping. Transfer to it only the amount necessary for the purchase.

🌐 You can find additional information about payment security rules on the website #ShakhrayGoodbay: https://promo.bank.gov.ua/stopfraud/.

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